Gap Coverage

Seamlessly extend your team with experienced medical directors. Our gap coverage service is perfect for:

  • Weekends and holidays
  • Times of increased volume due to changing enrollment
  • Interim support due to turnover 
  • Specialized support to augment existing medical director expertise

When to use our Medical Director Gap Coverage Services

  • Extra support
    Everyone needs time off, including your medical directors. We can provide coverage for weekends, holidays, and even vacations.
  • Relieve pressure
    Your medical directors are juggling a number of priorities. We can step in to allow them to focus on items of strategic importance.
  • Interim coverage
    When you’re short-staffed and need a quick solution, we can serve as short-term or long-term coverage while you’re hiring.

How Cadenza can help with our Medical Director Gap Coverage Services

  • Consistency
    Our coverage allows you to provide uninterrupted service to your members in times of increased enrollment or volume. You can expect the same level of quality and expertise that you would have from your in-house medical director.
  • Support
    In a time of rampant burnout, we can support your medical directors with expert relief, even on weekends and holidays. We can also support your existing medical directors in the development of guidelines, policies, and procedures or in handling more complex and time-consuming reviews.
  • Efficiency
    With extensive experience as medical directors in a variety of care settings and with health plans, our physicians can seamlessly complement your team. And with efficient processes and procedures in place, we can meet your tight turnaround times 365 days a year.
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