Part B Pharmacy / Chemotherapy

With the ever-expanding arsenal of new medications and treatments becoming available and treatment guidelines being constantly updated, managing Part B pharmacy costs can be extremely difficult. 

The complexities of some of the diseases that require aggressive Part B treatments can be overwhelming for pre-cert teams. Often, the most challenging of these therapies are chemotherapy regimens for cancer treatments. There are guidelines, but even these can be easily misinterpreted. The consequences of not getting these treatment decisions correct are immense for patient and health plan.

Staying up to date on new medications and monitoring for changes in treatment guidelines is a must. Having a partner with experience in applying those guidelines in a utilization management program can be hard to find. The team at Cadenza Health has this experience and can help your organization meet the demands of this expensive and complicated area of health care.

Pharmacy solutions

You need a partnership that can keep your pharmacy risk in check.

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