Outpatient Services

Outpatient services encompass a wide array of medical care and a large volume of requests. Familiarity with the appropriate criteria is essential to being able to process these requests efficiently and correctly. 

Efficiently processing these requests results in decreased turnaround time. Applying the criteria correctly will lead to reduced expenditures over time.

From physician visits to therapy services to imaging studies to outpatient procedures, Cadenza Health reviewers have been working outpatient service requests a day in and day out for years. The challenges that come with getting these determinations right the first time are not new to us. So we know how to make rapid decisions based on evidence-based guidelines. Cadenza Health has what it takes to keep your turnaround time down and your bottom line where it needs to be.

A high volume challenge

Cadenza Health can be the solution for your outpatient services dilemma

Let's Talk
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