Long-term Acute Care

A Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) admission is an expensive hospitalization immediately following an expensive hospitalization. It is exactly what some patients need to complete their treatment and recover from their acute illness. 

However, frequently this service is requested and approved when the same services can be provided at a lower level of care. Understanding acute care illness, the continuum of care and what care can be provided in which settings is key to getting decisions on LTAC requests right.

Cadenza Health has a team of physicians with extensive acute care experience including work in LTAC facilities. We understand which patients are appropriate for transfer to an LTAC and which are not. Our team can also assist with determining when LTAC patients have reached their maximum benefit and can be transferred to home or a lower level of care for continued recovery. A partnership with Cadenza Health will ensure you are not spending funds on inappropriate hospital days.

Reduce your LTAC expenses

Contact us to discuss how we can help your LTAC review process

Let's Talk
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